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The material on these sites were reproduced for enjoyment, review and information purposes only. The images contained within this site, with the exception of those represented to be originally produced by Whiteshadow Kennels, Dynamic Web Creation, Cheryl C. Helynck are believed to be in the public domain. They have been obtained either from public domain libraries on the Internet or contributed to the above by users of this service. Whiteshadow Kennels, Dynamic Web Creation, Cheryl C. Helynck does not sell or license any of these public domain images. Copyright is claimed to the entire body of the collection, as an entity, and to the HTML code which presents it as a collection. It is the policy of Whiteshadow Kennels, Dynamic Web Creation, Cheryl C. Helynck to immediately remove, upon first notification and identification, any specific image displayed on its World Wide Web site represented to be owned or copyrighted by other parties. Should you, or your organization, possess the copyright to any such image and be able to prove such a claim, please contact the webmaster at your earliest convenience. Use of this material is not intended as a copyright infringement on any of the artists or any other entity's copyrighted material. If you hold copyright to any material contained on this site and wish it's removal, please contact . Provide legal proof of your right to demand removal. If verified, material will be removed immediately. Some graphics were acquired from non copyrighted sources.

Poems, graphics, design images and text on any of our domain web sites are copyrighted by Whiteshadow Kennels, Dynamic Web Creation, Cheryl C. Helynck or others that have given permission to use them.

Please do not use any of our Domains content without written permission.
Copyright © 1998 - 1999 to Whiteshadow Kennels, Dynamic Web Creation, Cheryl C. Helynck. All rights reserved.